ingredients Matter


OUr WILD INgredients are superior

Our product line is centered on using wildcrafted ingredients. Wild herbs have an immense medicinal and nutrient rich profile. Compared to cultivated plants , wild herbs have significantly more concentrated nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This ensures that we deliver to you the maximum health benefit possible.

Ingredients matter. Whether you buy from us or not, READ INGREDIENT LABELS CAREFULLY. Only buy from companies you trust. At Immunity Doctor, we will never use an ingredient without knowing where it came from, what its made from, and most importantly how its made. We don’t ever just throw low quality, inexpensive ingredients together and call it a supplement. The only way an ingredient makes the cut in our products is if it serves a function. We don’t ever use binders, fillers, thickening agents, dyes or other potentially hazardous ingredients in our products because they can be dangerous and contain no medicinal value. We are not interested in adding volume to our capsules or colors to enhance their appearance. We only want to deliver high nutritional value medicinal herbs to our clients. We care about your health and wellness.

All of our oregano oil, the foundation of all our products, is always wild grown. We work to ensure our ingredients are always the freshest, the highest quality and harvested in a sustainable manner. Our foraged plants are crafted in a careful process that protects the plants, the earth they grow in, and the families whose sustenance depends on them.